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Dua E Kamil Mobi Zip Book Download Free


This article will provide you with the knowledge to do dua, which is an act of worship. To start off, this article will explain what is dua and how it brings happiness to oneself through Allah. Furthermore, this article will explain the methods on how to say dua and its recital in Arabic. The last section will explain why it is not necessary for one to be fluent in Arabic in order to do dua by just reading its meaning. There are two types of supplications mentioned in Islam: Dua Kamilah (perfect Supplication) and Dua Jariyah (Supplication which is answered). Dua kamilah is a supplication that is answered. This type of prayer is generally used when one fears that he will not be able to offer any more prayers and they wish to offer additional prayers in order to complete their daily prayers. Dua kamilah can be offered at any time and it will be answered. However, in the hadith, it has been mentioned that dua kamilah is more likely to succeed when one does not delay his supplication until it is too late at night or when one does not delay his supplication until the daybreak. Dua Jariyah can also be done at any time without delaying. It is not necessary to mention any particular prayer behind it. This type of supplication will not be answered. However, if one does not delay in offering his prayers, then he can say it in the last moments of the night when he is about to sleep and wake up, he can also say it in the last moments before sleeping (and waking up early) and when he is about to descend into sleep. The act of saying dua is considered an act of worship that brings happiness to oneself through Allah. There are three times in which one can make dua: morning, noon and night (in case performing Salah). One can recite dua in a variety of ways, depending on his degree of knowledge in Arabic and the ability to recite. However, in the hadith it has been mentioned that when a person is not in a state of ihsan (purity) they should not offer their dua kamilah or dua jariyah. We will now explain how one may offer his dua kamilah and his dua jariyah: Dua Kamilah: It is said if one wishes to do dua kamilah he must recite its meaning. It is said in this hadith: “Anyone who offers a dhikr in a state of ihsan will be answered.” Therefore, when one desires to do dua kamilah he should recite its fard [minimum] meaning. In this hadith it has been stated that the person who offers the dua composed of two phrases will be granted it. It is also said that one can say two phrases when he says dua; meaning; we ask Allah to give us our rights and make our request for what we ask Him for sound and not audacious. Dua Jariyah: It can be said at any time and without fear of its being answered. dua e kamil pdf download cfa1e77820


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